Showcase: Space Wolves Rhino by ComradeQuiche
ComradeQuiche here with one of my Rhinos! I really liked the Repressor kit from Forgeworld, and decided that I wanted to mix some Adeptus Sororitas, and Wolves together. I also used a few wolf icons to make it fit into my army even more.
Showcase: Space Wolves Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour by ComradeQuiche
ComradeQuiche here with my Wolf terminators. I decided to use the wolf style helmet from the Grey Hunters kit to make the wolf Terminators look a little more different from the rest. In addition, I trimmed off one barrel of each Storm Bolter, and replaced...
Showcase: Space Wolves Drop Pod by ComradeQuiche
ComradeQuiche here with a look at my (only) wolf drop pod. In regards to customization and conversions its quite light, but I think it a clean and simple enough job to still come across as wolf-y. I decided to go with a wolf grey, and...
Showcase: Space Wolves Long Fangs by ComradeQuiche
ComradeQuiche here with a revisit of my Space Wolves army! Today I have a pack of Long Fangs, with Missile Launchers. I felt that the stock missile launchers themselves were a little lacklustre and not very wolf-y, so I decided to add some flair by...
Showcase: Space Wolves Grey Hunters by ComradeQuiche
ComradeQuiche here with a revisit of my Space Wolves army! Here I have three 10-man strong packs of Grey Hunters. To keep the packs easy to tell apart, I chose to use three different pack markings on their right shoulder pads. I also played around...
Showcase: Custodes themed Imperial Knight by ComradeQuiche
ComradeQuiche here with an update to my recently finished “Custodes” themed Knight Titan. This one was very fun to convert, and paint, as I do not have much experience with painting this much gold! 1) The main gold body was painted by using GW’s Retributor...
Showcase: Ork Morkanaut by ComradeQuiche
Comrade Quiche here with another Dread Mob update! This was actually the very first Dread Mob model (and Ork model for that matter) that I painted. I decided that since it was so huge I really wanted to go with a somewhat bright paint scheme....
Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicus Kataphon Breachers by ComradeQuiche
Comrade Quiche here with a quick Ad Mech update. Today I have photos of my Kataphron Breachers. The weapons are magnetized onto the arm stumps, so I can swap out the guns to make them Kataphron Destroyers. I gave them the Heavy Grav Cannons as...
Showcase: Orks Meganobz with Big Mek by ComradeQuiche
Comrade Quiche here again, with a mega update. Today I have a pair of Meganobz, along with a Big Mek in Mega Armor. As I went along with my army, I found that I really enjoyed painting Bad Moons. These are among the only infantry...
Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicus Onager Dunecrawlers by ComradeQuiche
Hello Again! It’s Comrade Quiche here, with some photos of my Onager Dunecrawlers for my Adeptus Mechanicus army. For my birthday, my wife surprised me with not only a “Getting started” boxed set for the Skitarii, but also an entirely planned out 1850pt army list!...
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