Showcase: Ravaged Lands: Souldrain Forest For Warcry
Games Workshop called this set the Souldrain Forest, but painting this set didn’t drain my soul at all. It was a load of fun and only took a week to finish. Find out how I painted all this terrain so quickly after the jump. ...
Showcase: Blood Angels Chief Libarian Mephiston by Forest
He came back from the dead, in this case even literally. Chief Librarian Mephiston made me do it, I had to remove paint for the first time ever. If you wanna know what happened here and if I drank the paint remover afterwards… read more...
Showcase: Ironjawz Orruk Brutes by Forest
Hey party people! Forest here. It’s time to get mean and green again, the biggest boys left their homes to pillage yours. If you wanna get to know them and find out why they always travel with a spare head, read more after the jump....
Showcase: Blood Angels Primaris Aggressors by Forest
Hey party people! It’s Forest again. This time I bring you some chunky boys, Aggressors in their impressive gravis armour. If you wanna know what I did to make them a bit more Blood Angels-like, read more after the jump. I really like the design...
Showcase: Ironjawz ‘Ardboyz for Warcry by Forest
Hey party people! It’s Forest again. This time I bring you the most party hardened animals in the universe – the old Black Orcs! If you wanna find out why I bothered painting these ancient miniatures, read more after the jump. I wanted to paint...
Showcase: Blood Angels Captain in Terminator Armour by Forest
Hey party people! I’m Forest, the new guy. Probably like a lot of you, I used to paint a little in school, long ago. Now is my first anniversary of painting again and its time to show you one of my Blood Angels army’s characters:...
Showcase: Aeldari Warp Spiders Exarch (inc. painting guides)
Flicker-jumping his way through the webway, this Exarch of the Warp Spiders aspect shrine materialises in realspace. Celebrating the replacement of the oldest Aspect Warrior sculpts in the Eldar range, I grabbed one of the new plastic models and painted it to match my Craftworld...
ToP Tip: The best sea green & petrol paints
In this post, I have put together two palettes, each with four shades from my collection. Two rather muted colours: a cool, muted blue-green, and a blue-grey that leans towards petrol.
Review: Warpaints Fanatic by The Army Painter – best paints in the world?
This is an honest and unbiased review of the new Warpaints Fanatic. If there is one thing that The Army Painter is good at, then it’s generating buzz on social media. However, I found that their quality control can be hit or miss. Over the...
Review: Vallejo Xpress Color Intense & wave 2 review
Is Vallejo's second wave of Xpress Colors the game-changer in the world of one-coat paints, or should you stick with your trusted Contrast and Speedpaints? To find out, I put all 36 new colours from Wave 2 to the test, including the 8 brand-new higher-pigmented...
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