Showcase: Oldhammer Space Wolves Display
In a previous post I talked about my groups yearly Secret Sanguinius exchange. This year I decided to combine all the hobby things I've enjoyed recently into one display. I am Tom, and welcome to my 30K Space Wolves Display base!
Showcase: Alpha Legion Deimos Rhino
Rhinos are my favourite vehicles, just about beating the older Sentinel model. In this post I’ll show my two Alpha Legion Deimos pattern Rhinos for my grower Horus Heresy force.
Showcase: Astra Militarum Cadian Shock Trooper
Its hard to keep up with the number of new releases now! I managed to get one of the free Miniature of the Month, and thought I would paint it up as a Cadian 122nd from Codex Cityfight! I'm Tom, and welcome to another Oldhammer...
Showcase: Genestealer Cults Nexos
While a lot of Games Workshop's newer models are more dynamic than ever, I have a soft spot for static but thematic poses. It is Tom again, this time here to talk about my Genestealer Cult Nexos.
Showcase: Oldhammer Leman Russ, Primarch of the Space Wolves Legion
Just before Christmas, my local Element Games held a competition for a winter themed miniature. Sadly I didn’t win, but really loved painting up the Lord of Winter and Ruin - Oldhammer Style! I present to you: the Rogue Trader Leman Russ model.
Showcase: Alpha Legion Vigilator
Hi Everyone, Tom here with m first article for 2023! While this mostly painted in 2022, I wanted to show my Alpha Legion Vigilator model from Forgeworld that I use in my Horus Heresy games.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Stormstrike Chariot
Hi Everyone, Tom again. This week I am going to show my Stormstrike Chariot - one of a pair I own for my growing Stormcast Eternals army.
Showcase: Age of Darkness Alpha Legion Marine
It has taken me a couple of months, but I have finally caved and bought the Age of Darkness box set. This article is about my first MkVI marine from that box, painted in the Alpha Legion colours. Want to see an unusual take on...
Showcase: Chaos Daemons “NPCs”
In honour of the new Chaos Daemon Codex arrival, I thought I would turn some normally background models into the starts of the show - my assorted Horrors, Plaguebearers and Bloodletters.
Showcase: Soulblight Gravelords Vampire Lord
Hi Everyone - I am Tom, now with my own account here at Tale of Painters! Following my last post about The Crimson Court, I decided to make a small diorama featuring the new Soulblight Gravelords Vampire Lord.
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