40k, Showcase

Eldar: Dire Avengers

I chose to go for a deep blue grey so the red details whould stand out more and identify them as Saim-Hann. Planning to paint an Eldar army is really difficult because you have to work a lot of colours into the paint scheme. I…

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40k, Showcase

Eldar: Falcon

I had some bad luck with this model. First it was halfway test-painted in Ulthwé Colours before I decided to go with a Saim-Hann scheme for the army. When I wanted to strip the Falcon I damaged the hull by leaving it too long in…

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40k, Showcase

Eldar: Guardian Squad

I always loved the regular Guardian model, really another Jes Goodwin masterpiece. These models were one of the best plastic troop sets back in the days of 3rd Edition when they were released and still look strong. However I would like to see some new…

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40k, Tutorials

Ultramarines: Tutorial and Colour Recipes

Unfortunately I don’t have step by step pictures, but for those interested in how I painted my army and which colours I used, I’ve got this comprehensive list for you. Prime black. Blue Armour – basecoat Mordian Blue, blackline VGC Black Ink, highlight Ultramarines Blue…

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40k, Showcase

Ultramarines: Chaplain with Jump Pack

A great model full of motion made by Juan Diaz. I really liked painting it, even though I don’t think that black armour works in general works well, because it lacks the shadows for definition. I decided not to add script to the loinclothing because…

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