ToP Tip: Shake up your Paint Collection
We look at four ways to combat paint separation on today’s ToP Tip Blog post.
ToP Tip: 3 Ways to Improve your Brush Control
Have you ever accidentally slipped and got a brush mark where it’s not wanted or dropped a model while painting? Well, today we’re going to look at ways to steady your hands.
ToP Tip: 3 Water Pot Tips
3 ToP Tips that help you with your water pot.
ToP Tip: Clean your Airbrush fast
ToP Tips, or Tale of Painters’ Tips is our regular Friday feature where we share quick tips or recommendations that don’t really fit into our tutorials or reviews. Today I want to share a simple trick for cleaning your airbrush faster.
ToP Tip: How to Accurately Drill your Gun Barrels
Have you been on the the receiving end of online hobbyists who’s only comment on your excellent paint job is “Drill your barrels out”. Have you ever experienced the fear of drilling a muzzle hole on your 40K weapons? It’s that potential catastrophe of it not being dead centre. Is it really that important? No, of course it isn’t important. It’s your hobby and you don’t have to drill them out. However, if you’d like a ToP Tip on an easier and more accurate way to drill your muzzles then read on!
ToP Tip: Getting your Static Grass to Stand Up
What do you think? I’ve always flicked my bases, how about you? What do you do with your static grass, let me know in the comments.
ToP Tip: 3 must have paints for painting white
Painting white isn’t easy, especially if you start from a black or dark basecoat. White pigments are rather weak and often have a tendency to dry chalky or uneven, so you usually need a lot of thin coats for perfect coverage. And by a lot, I mean a lot. However, over the years I tried several white paints from almost all manufacturers out there, and also several approaches to painting white. Here is what I learned: My three must-have paints to make painting white easier.
ToP Tip: How to avoid gaps on push-fit models
Huge gaps on your models can look unsightly and spoil your hard work you put into your paint job. In today’s ToP TIP I’m going to share how you can get a better fit with your models after the jump.
ToP Tip: 5 reasons why should use a wet palette (even if you’re not a pro painter)
For over 20 years I didn’t use a wet palette, just random stuff like old CDs to pour my paint onto. I always thought a wet palette is only for wet blending masters and Golden Demon level paint jobs with a lot of intricate paint mixes, but not for me, who uses most paints straight out of the bottle. I didn’t consider a wet palette to be an essential hobby item, but having made the switch, oh, how wrong I was. In this post, I tell you five ways a wet palette will improve your painting no matter your skill level.
ToP Tips: 3 Tips for getting your Models featured in White Dwarf
I’m regularly asked, “how do you get your models published in White Dwarf” and I thought I’d share three tips on how you can do this too.
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