Showcase: Shadespire Sepulchral Guard
Hi, all! Now here they are: the finished Sepulchral Guard for Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. More pictures after the jump. I really enjoyed painting these guys. Following to my recent zenithal basecoating tutorial, I only used shades and water thinned down layers. For the bones, I used…
Tutorial: Zenithal Basecoating Shadespire Sepulchral Guard
Hi all! Today I would like to show you how I basecaot a Sepulchral Guard from Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire for further painting. Here we have the assembled model straight out of the box. More after the jump… For the first step I applied a coat…
WIP: Shadespire Steelheart’s Champions Bases
Hello everyone, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted on here. This year has been extremely busy but I’ve still managed to get some painting done. Today’s post will be very different as it’s solely just about bases. I enjoy basing composition and painting…