Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp month 1 – Godsworn Hunt
Hey everyone, Spaceshrimp here with my first Underworlds war band post for Tale of Tuesdays. Journey with me into the depths of the mirrored city… My Achilles heel of painting used to be flesh. Specifically, I could never make skin look “soft” and my colour…
Tale of Tuesdays: Garfy Month 1 – Grashrak’s Despoilers
It’s Tuesday, that means it’s time for Tale of Tuesdays and I’m opening the new series. This time we’re delving into the Underworlds and the four Tale of Tuesdays’ victims… oops I mean willing painters will be painting a total of two warbands each over…
WIP: Grashrak’s Despoilers for #Taleoftuesdays
The Bloodbowl Tale of Tuesday’s series is finished, so it’s time to kick off another series this coming Tuesday. If you’re unfamiliar with Tale of Tuesdays it where four bloggers spend four months working on a small predetermined side project. For the Bloodbowl series we…
Showcase: Mollog’s Mob
In this post I want to talk about Mollog’s limited paint scheme. I also share a cinematic shot of Mollog’s Mob being ambushed by Skaeth’s Hunters after the jump. Mollog’s Mob is a war band of four very different models, but I wanted them to…
Showcase: Nighthaunts Myrmourn Banshees / Lady Harrow’s Sorrowflight
Here they are, Lady Harrow’s Sorrowflight aka the Easy to build Myrmourn Banshees from the Nighthaunts range. Excellent model, and they were a breeze to paint… after several tries of finding an effective method for painting the light purple/grey ectoplasm. Find out more after the…
WIP: Mollog’s Mob #1
Having paint and played Warcry for a couple of months, I’ve found myself being drawn back to Underworld’s, it’s almost as if a mountain is calling to me to explore it. I painted Skaeth’s Hunters and one of Grashrak’s Despoilers but it’s Mollog who has…
WIP: Nighthaunts Myrmourn Banshees / Lady Harrow’s Sorrowflight #1
Hey there, here is my next project: a box of Myrmourn Banshees, which became a warband in in the Warhammer Underworlds Dreadfane boxed set. Coming up with a paint scheme for the Banshees was pretty difficult. I knew I wanted a similar fast and effective…
Showcase: Underworlds Godsworn Hunt Theddra
Hi, all! This time I present to you Theddra from the Godsworn Hunt which I finished this week. I really like these small warbands, although I sometimes only own a single model like Theddra. As usual, I only paint what I am in the mood…
Tutorial: Kurnothi Lighaen from Beastgrave
In today’s post I share with you a complete photo tutorial guide to paint this Malkyn called Lighaen from Skaeth’s Wildhunt. More after the jump! This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of how to paint. For the beginners, I will explain the techniques…
Showcase: Averon Stormsire’s Cursebreakers
I’ve only owned Nightvault since Father’s Day (thanks bubba!). So, I really need to pull my finger out and get on with the models from my daughter’s present to me. Painting the Curse Breakers is a huge step to completing the box. After the jump…
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