Showcase, Underworlds

Showcase: Nightvault Zarbag’s Gitz

Today I can finally present you my finished warband for Warhammer Underworlds, Zarbag’s Gitz. As you can see, I kept pretty close to the classic Moonclan/Night Goblin look, but also took a few liberties from the ‘Eavy Metal version. Check out more pictures after the jump….

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WIP: Nightvault Zarbag’s Gitz #5

Did some more work on Zarbag’s Gitz. Inspired by the Boggleye in the Gobbapalooza set (seriously, what a great set) I decided to paint Zarbag’s hood yellow. I’ll also want to add some freehanded “flames” like on the ‘Eavy Metal version but in black, kinda…

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WIP: Nightvault Zarbag’s Gitz #4

Second batch of Zarbag’s Gotz is completed. Now, onto the final three models, including Zarbag himself! The most challenging piece to paint was actually the smoke on the squig herder. I’m always rather impatient when it comes to blending. I’m quite happy with the results…

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WIP: Nightvault Zarbag’s Gitz #3

Hope you had some nice festive days and found lots of hobby presents under your tree (or whatever your customs are 😉 Anyways, another update on Zarbag’s Gitz. They are a lot of fun to paint and the upcoming Gloomspite Gitz release makes them even…

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