Showcase: Salamanders Land Raider Achilles
Hey, hey, the Land Raider is finished! Very fun model and I hope you like it. 🙂
Showcase: Necron Immortal
This is the test model for my new Necron army. I’m really pleased with my colour scheme. It’s my first real go at OSL and whislt it’s not perfect, it’s not too bad for the first test model which is only a rank and file...
Showcase: Salamanders Thunderfire Cannon
Hey, hey! Here’s a quasi-finished Salamanders Thunderfire cannon. Painting that one was fun. I think that Techmarines got a wee bit too “heavy” in their latest incarnation and I would have much appreciated the classic setup of two Servitors manning the gun but it’s still...
Showcase: Dreadfleet (Part 4) plus final thoughts
So after almost exactly a month the last two pieces from the Dreadfleet box are finished – Count Noctilus’ warship, the Bloody Reaver, and her auxiliary cog, the Sea Ghul as I call it. One word about the Bloody Reaver if you haven’t assembled it...
Showcase: Dreadfleet Bloody Reaver Finished
Avast me hearties… Ye Bloody Reaver has now set sail from Garfy Jone’s Locker.
Showcase: Grey Knights Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought
I love this model so much and I completed it just before I joined Tale of Painters. I wanted a striding pose with lots of movement because dreadnoughts can tend to look static. It’s a great kit and with lots of posable options because the...
Showcase: Skaven Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team
Here they are: Proper pictures of my recently finished Warpfire Thrower Team from Island of Blood. As I’ve said before, I’m not really convinced by the IoB weapon teams, the weapons itself have rather basic and boring shapes and upon closer inspection they don’t seem...
Showcase: Salamanders and Blood Angels Chaplains!
Hey people. I just finished these two chaplains! The fellow with terminator armour really is a pretty model. I never paid much attention to him at the initial release but after a few weeks, everybody started to show off his finished version of this model...
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