Fantasy - The Old World, Showcase

Showcase: Skaven Giant Rats

This is my Giant Rats regiment. As you notice, I didn’t use the Packmaster models that come with the Rat Ogre kit but used suitable models from the Clanrat sprues. I did this because the design of the old Packmasters doesn’t suit the recent Skaven...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Eldar Guardian Defender Squad

High quality pictures of my second Guardian Defender squad. As I said before, I think that the humble Guardians are really the best Eldar infantry models. The details aren’t as sharply molded as modern GW kits and there are gaps here and there but the...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Eldar Farseer

This is my slightly converted Farseer. As the armament of the model wasn’t 100% WYSIWYG in terms of codex options, I removed the Shuriken Pistol and added a pointing hand from the High Elf Bolt Thrower sprue. Now he has a really cool “guide” pose....