Full army shot of my Ultramarines
I thought it would be great to take a picture of all the Ultramarine models I painted so far. The illumination is not perfect, a little bit too bright, but you can get the impression. For detailed shots of each squad or tank click on...
Showcase: Skull Pass Night Goblin
These are some high quality pictures of a little model I painted for fellow Brückenkopf author Darkover. He just got married and as a kind of wedding present he asked all of his wargamer friends to contribute a painted Night Goblin. I don’t know why...
Finished Ultramarine Scouts Showcase
Some high quality pictures of my just finished Scout squad. I’m quite pleased with them. The converted heads, drawn from various Space Marine sprues as well as from the Baneblade sprue, improve the models vastly in my opinion. I think I also did a good...
Finished Wave Serpent Showcase
High quality pictures of the Wave Serpent I painted for my Saim-Hann host. Compared to the Falcon, I improved in every single aspect – the blendings on the cupola and the gems are better, the highlights are more accurate and the black stripe pattern is...
Showcase: Classic Marneus Calgar
Some high quality pictures of my paintjob of classic Marneus Calgar. As I said before, I bought this model when I was 12 and rediscovered it at my parents’ house recently. I stripped it and added it to my current Ultramarine army. Even though the...
Banshees Showcase
High quality pictures of my finished Banshee squad. I think they turned out ok on an army level. However I am not fully satisfied with them. This is because the body would have really benefitted from a two step highlighting instead of a single white...
Showcase: Vostroyans
Finally, high quality pictures of the Vostroyan Squad I painted. Click for higher resolution. Vostroyans were released as some kind of poster boys for the Cities of Death expansion for Warhammer 40.000. As a result of the “shiney new toy syndrome” I bought the battleforce...
Eldar: Bonesinger
My latest addition to the army, the limited release Bonesinger. Unfortunately the paint job was a bit rushed and you can tell that by some parts of the model. But the model has some sloppy sculpted parts as well, so I really couldn’t be bothered...
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