
WIP: Blood Angels Predator

Back to painting big Space Marines after the bunch of Epic scale ones. These days I have a bunch of Blood Angels tanks and a flyer on the table. Here’s the first of the Predators (Destructor, that is). As you can see, Forgeworld front upgrade….

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Salamanders and Blood Angels Chaplains!

Hey people. I just finished these two chaplains! The fellow with terminator armour really is a pretty model. I never paid much attention to him at the initial release but after a few weeks, everybody started to show off his finished version of this model…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Sanguinary Guard

Painted these two Sanguinary Guard for fun. A tutorial will follow later this week! I think the Glaive Encarmaine turned out quite cool and the deep purplish red makes the models more round thant the turquoise blades of the ‘Eavy Metal version.

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Sanguinary Guard done!

Done, at last. The wings took really long to paint, a lot of feathers to highlight. I’m really fond of the colour choice on the Glaive Encarmaine. Expect the tutorial and a high quality showcase sometimes next week 🙂 I also stripped some Eldar Guardians…

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