WIP: Blood Angels Predator
Back to painting big Space Marines after the bunch of Epic scale ones. These days I have a bunch of Blood Angels tanks and a flyer on the table. Here’s the first of the Predators (Destructor, that is). As you can see, Forgeworld front upgrade….
Showcase: Scout Sergeant Telion as a Blood Angel
Hey guys, just a quick in-between one. This is a Sgt.Telion conversion I did some time ago when I got the mini for a good price and wanted to paint it up. Due to the fact that at that point I just had painted a…
Showcase: Salamanders and Blood Angels Chaplains!
Hey people. I just finished these two chaplains! The fellow with terminator armour really is a pretty model. I never paid much attention to him at the initial release but after a few weeks, everybody started to show off his finished version of this model…
Tutorial: How to paint Sanguinary Guard
Cheers, as promised the tutorial about how I painted my Sanguinary Guard. As in my popular Blood Angel tutorial, I paint the armour in a easy techniques like drybrushing and washing and finish off the model by crisp detail work. 1. Prime the model with…
Showcase: Sanguinary Guard
Painted these two Sanguinary Guard for fun. A tutorial will follow later this week! I think the Glaive Encarmaine turned out quite cool and the deep purplish red makes the models more round thant the turquoise blades of the ‘Eavy Metal version.
Sanguinary Guard done!
Done, at last. The wings took really long to paint, a lot of feathers to highlight. I’m really fond of the colour choice on the Glaive Encarmaine. Expect the tutorial and a high quality showcase sometimes next week 🙂 I also stripped some Eldar Guardians…
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