Showcase: Tomb Kings, Settra the Imperisable
Here he is, Settra the Imperishable aka “Settra Himself!” pimpin’ it on The Chariot of the Gods. This was a really fun model to work on and I am happy with final piece. Now he is now ready for his turn in The Pit against…
WIP: Tomb Kings, Settra the Imperishable
Making some good progress on Settra and his chariot/base is complete. I really love the color scheme and amount of detail on the sculpt of the chariot but the horses are just lame. If I collected Tomb Kings I would definitely go back and add some…
WIP: Tomb Kings, Settra the Imperishable
This is just a quick WIP of my current/next model, Settra the Imperishable from the Tomb Kings army. I will complete this in two stages, first the chariot and horses followed by Settra himself. The horses are pretty boring but the rest of the model…
Showcase: Tomb Kings Bone Giant
I’ve dug up (pun intended) this picture from my hard drive. I painted this model back in 2004. It’s a cool model but it is already looking old and dated by the great big plastic kits you can get for Warhammer now. The name Bone…
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