Tutorial: How to paint purple Deadwalker Zombie flesh
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how I painted the purple flesh of the Deadwalker Zombie players from my Shambling Undead Blood Bowl team. I used a combination of a zenithal basecoat and Slapchop in combination with Citadel Contrast and Speedpaints.
Showcase: Blood Bowl Shambling Undead Team
The Shambling Undead team in Blood Bowl is a bone-chilling force to be reckoned with. Comprised of reanimated corpses, sinister wights, and towering mummies, this macabre squad brings a haunting presence to the pitch. In today’s showcase post, I share some pictures of my finished Blitz Bowl team.
Showcase: Blood Bowl Shambling Undead Wight and Skeletons
With another Wight and Skeleton player, my Shambling Undead for Blood Bowl and the board game version Blitz Bowl are almost complete. Some pictures in this post.
Showcase: Blood Bowl Shambling Undead Zombies
While I’m waiting for Leviathan and the new Warhammer 40.000 edition like all of you, I wanted to use the time until then to paint the remaining models from my Blood Bowl Shambling Undead team. After my first test model which I painted a couple of months ago I follow up with a pair of Zombies.
Showcase: Blood Bowl Shambling Undead Team Skeleton (incl. painting guide)
When Vallejo sent me their new Xpress Colors, I was looking for a model I could try the new paints on. My choice was this Skeleton player from the Shambling Undead Blood Bowl team, as it has a nice amount of (in)organic detail and texture that is perfect for a Contrast painting style. I also tried to slapchop for the first time! Find out more in this post.
Showcase: Blood Bowl Reikland Reavers Star Players
Right, here we got a whole lotta legendary star players! From left to right: Helmut Wulf, Griff Oberwald, Morg’n’Thorg, The Mighty Zug, and Karla von Kill. Really nice Forgeworld figures there. Here we got the whole team all together now, along with game tokens: …and…
Showcase: Blood Bowl Reikland Reavers
Hi, friends. It’s summer, isn’t it. So it’s time to do the sporty activities, which for me is painting sporty people. It’s the good old Reikland Reavers. A classic. Straight out of the box, with the exception of a few figures having been replaced by…
Tale of Tuesdays: Reader’s Models #4 Winner of Competition
Woah! What an incredible four months it has been. The whistle has blown, and we’ve seen our four painters all reach full-time with fully painted teams! Our readers have not disappointed either! Check out all the incredible teams after the jump and find out who…
Showcase: Blood Bowl Orc Team “The Badland’s Teefkickerz”
Hey everyone, Silvernome here back with some Blood Bowl goodness! Not to be outdone by the rest of the ToP crew, I’ve been working on an Orc team for an upcoming league with the Brookhammercrew, just in the time for the grand finale of the #taleoftuesdays…
Tale of Tuesdays: Arcane Month 4 – Bugman’s Bouncers
Well now sports fans, what a season it’s been! We’ve seen broken bones, black eyes and missing limbs… and that’s just in the Necrofunk changing rooms. It’s been an exciting run for all teams and it’s my pleasure to share with you the final lineup…