ToP Tip: 3 quick guides for painting gold, bone & deep red armour
In this ToP Tip series, I share my best paint recipes on a regular basis. In today's post, I brought three painting guides for painting armour: golden armour, bone, and the deep red of the Blood Angels.
Tutorial collection: Blood Angels & Death Company
Would you like to start a Blood Angels collection and are now (red) thirsty for tips on how to paint them? Then you've come to the right place. In this post, we've put together our best tutorials for painting the red of the Blood Angels,...
ToP Tip: The best paints & hacks for Slapchop & zenithal basecoats
Why is no one talking about Slapchop anymore? In this video, I’m painting the new Clanrats from Skaventide BUT I’m challenging myself to use colours from all five major Contrast-style paint ranges to finally determine who makes the best paint for Slapchop. Plus, I’ll be...
ToP Tip: The best warm & cool red paints
I’ve put together two new colour palettes for you, this time focusing on the colour red. In this post, you’ll find my favourite miniature paints for a warm and cool red, from light to dark.
Tutorial: How to paint Skaven Clanrats from Skaventide
The Vermindoom is imminent, so it's best to quickly learn how to paint Skaven before the grey, unpainted tide overwhelms us! In this tutorial, I'll show you how to quickly and effectively get your Clanrats from Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skaventide to a battle-ready standard...
ToP Tip: The best sea green & petrol paints
In this post, I have put together two palettes, each with four shades from my collection. Two rather muted colours: a cool, muted blue-green, and a blue-grey that leans towards petrol.
ToP Tip: Top 10 Pro Acryl paints
I tested all 126 colours in the Pro Acryl range, including the brand-new Signature Series sets from Flameon Miniatures and Louise from Rogue Hobbies. In this video, I reveal what I think are the must-haves and explain why Bold Titanium White didn't make the cut....
ToP Tip: 3 quick guides for painting Gallowdark Space Hulk terrain
In this ToP Tip series, I'm sharing some of my favourite paint recipes. Find out how I painted the dingy red of my Gallowdark Space Hulk corridors with these three visual painting guides.
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