Showcase: Hive Fleet Kraken Tyranid Warriors (inc. tutorial)
The next addition to my Hive Fleet Kraken Splinter Fleet Kill Team is this Heavy Gunner Tyranid Warrior beast, boasting a gruesome long-barreled Venom Cannon. Find out how this model fared in my Kill Team games, and check out more pictures in this post.
Showcase: Hive Fleet Kraken Tyranid Warrior with Venom Cannon
The next addition to my Hive Fleet Kraken Splinter Fleet Kill Team is this Heavy Gunner Tyranid Warrior beast, boasting a gruesome long-barreled Venom Cannon. Find out how this model fared in my Kill Team games, and check out more pictures in this post.
Showcase: Hive Fleet Kraken Tyranid Warrior Leader
Introducing my Hive Fleet Kraken splinter fleet Tyranid Warrior, the formidable leader of my upcoming Hive Fleet Kill Team. In this showcase blog post, witness my rendition of this relentless killing machine, sporting the deadly bonesword and lash-whip combination, backed up by a gruesome Deathspitter.
Stahly’s Recap of 2023 and Hobby Resolution for 2024
It’s that time of year again when we look back and review our hobby year. You can find all the models I painted in 2023 in this post, as well as my reflections on the hobby, Tale of Painters, and my plans for the coming year.
Showcase: Tyranids Hive Fleet Kraken Hormagaunts
In the relentless dance of cosmic predation, Hormagaunts emerge as the embodiment of unyielding terror. In this showcase, I bring forth four meticulously painted Hive Fleet Kraken Hormagaunts, the dynamic poses capturing the chitinous horrors at the zenith of their ferocious onslaught.
Showcase: Tyranids Genestealer from Hive Fleet Hydra (inc. painting guide)
For my review of Pro Acryl I painted one of the fantastic new Genestealer sculpts as a demo model. I chose the classicdeep blue and pale purple paint scheme known from Space Hulk, which is now attributed to the hive fleet Hydra. In this post I explain how I did it.
Review: Tyranids Lictor, Neurolictor, and Deathleaper
Stealthy Lictors are emerging from the shadows for the first time in plastic. In this review, we’ll take a close look at the Lictor, Neurolictor, and Deathleaper models, exploring their design, versatility, and what they bring to the Tyranids army. Let’s dive into a world of stealth and terror.
Review: Tyranids Norn Emissary, Biovore, Hormagaunts & Genestealers
After the Great Devourer narrowly won the Battle for Oghram, Tyranid collectors can now look forward to a new Codex and a new wave of miniatures. In part 1 of our reviews, we take a closer look at the Norn Emissary / Assimilator, the Biovore / Pyrovore, as well as the new Hormagaunts and Genestealers.
Tutorial: How to paint Hivefleet Lotan Tyranids
Lotan is one of the new Hive Fleet introduced in the 10th edition of Warhammer 40k. In this tutorial I demonstrate how to paint Lotan’s characterful colour scheme with its crimson skin and reddish shimmering black carapace. For this I use the new paints and washes from TTCombat, but the painting guide can be easily followed with Citadel Colours as well.
Tutorial: How to paint Hivefleet Kraken Tyranids from Leviathan
Have you picked up the new Leviathan box and are still looking for a paint scheme for your Tyranids? How about my unique take on Hivefleet Kraken. In this step-by-step tutorial I’ll show you how to combine easy techniques like zenithal basecoating /slapchop, Contrast & Speedpaint and some well-placed highlights to create a real eye-catcher on the board – without having to paint yourself to death.
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