Review: Orks Boarding Patrol (incl. Boss Snikrot)
After yesterday’s look at the T’au Empire Boarding Patrol, today we unbox and review Boarding Patrol: Orks. This new box set has a bunch of recent Ork kits, plus a brand-new plastic version of Boss Snikrot. Let’s find out more in this review.
Showcase: Goff Rocker (incl. painting guide)
Welcome to the stage, the Goff Rocker! Today’s post is going to rock your socks off, with a behind-the-scenes look at how I put together this banging rock concert shot, some cool close-ups of our head-banging hero, and full paint recipes for this double denim dude.
Tutorial collection: Kill Team: Octarius
This week the new Kill Team Starter Set is on pre-order, and the Ork Kommandos, Death Korps of Krieg, and the Octarius Killzone terrain are also available individually. If you don’t know yet how to paint your models, we’ve got you covered with a selection of tutorials.
Tutorial: How to paint an Ork Beast Snagga Wurrboy
In this post, I’ll show you how to paint an Ork Wurrboy from the Kill Rig box set. I painted this model in 30 easy to follow steps. You’ll learn how I paint Beast Snagga Ork skin, dirty metals, power cables and more. This tutorial is perfect for any models from the Ork range. Find out how in this tutorial.
First Look: Orks Beastsnagga Kill Rig / Hunter Rig
On today’s post I take a look inside the Beastsnagga Orks Kill Rig / Hunter Rig box set. In the 4k video you’ll see detailed sprues, instructions and rules. At the end of the post I share the Ork Wurr Boy I painted from the set.
Tutorial: How to paint the Ork shanty town terrain from Kill Team: Octarius
In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to get the Ork shanty town terrain from Kill Team: Octarius ready in no time, while matching the colour palette of the Octarius gaming boards. This technique works very well for all sorts of terrain and also Ork vehicles, so make sure to check it out.
Tutorial: 2 (+2) quick and easy ways to paint Ork/Orruk flesh
In this post I’ll teach you two quick and straight-forward techniques for painting Ork (or Orruk) flesh: One is based on the new Orruk Flesh base paint, while the other uses a combination of Contrast and traditional painting to create a great result without spending hours on blending or shading. I’ll also add links to two more Ork tutorials for even more ideas to paint your new Beast Snaggaz, Kommandos, or Kruleboyz.
Showcase: Ork Looterz
Greetings, humans. Hope you’re well. Today I’d like to show you a bunch of Looterz. As usual with this army I have to point out that I didn’t convert these myself. I just get to paint them. 🙂 …which also allows me to praise the…
Showcase: Ork Stormboyz
Reet, that’s the Stormboyz. Proper bigmob of 64 figures I painted, and here’s some close-up shots of the indiviual figures’ fronts and backs. As with the Gretchins I’ll post the full photo series on the Battle Brush Studios site. Painting these chaps was kind of…
Showcase: Ork Gretchins
As the crowning finish of the Orks army (I’ll drop some more detail shots of other units over the next weeks) I’ve done 63 Gretchins! As with every single figure in this army they’re converted and built to be all individuals. Not by me, but…