Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Lord-Vigilant on Gryph Stalker (inc. painting guide)
Saving the best til last, this week is the fourth and final week of painting a Stormcast Spearhead and I get to share with you the main man, the Lord-Vigilant on his Gryph Stalker. In this post there’s the usual stunning photography of the miniature, a full paint recipe guide and the completed group shot showcasing the entire Spearhead force.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Lord-Veritant with Gryph-Crow (inc. painting guide)
My Stormcast Eternals Spearhead continues to grow this week with the addition of the Lord-Veritant and her faithful Gryph Crow. You’ll definitely want to read this post if you’re about to paint your own, I have some assembly tips and a painting guide if you want to paint yours as a Hallowed Knights Stormhost.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Prosecutors (inc. painting guide)
I’m continuing my month long quest to paint a Vigilant Brotherhood Spearhead and for this week I’m painting a unit of Prosecutors. Armed with a Stormcall Javelin these warriors leap into action on wings of flame.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Liberators (inc. painting guide)
Today’s post marks the beginning of a month long project of building and painting my first Spearhead for the new edition of Age of Sigmar. Every week, I’ll paint a new unit and add it to the collection. First up, it’s the Stormcast Eternals Liberators. Stay around until the end of this post where I share my painting guide for Sigmar’s bulwark troops.
Review: Skaventide Part 1 – The Models
Skaventide is finally here, heralding the looming Vermindoom that will shape the narrative of the 4th Edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. In this review, we’re unboxing what might be the “most complete” launch box of all time and taking a closer look at the models of the Stormcast Eternals and Skaven. What options can be found on the sprues? Which models share sprues and are likely exclusive to Skaventide? How do the Clanrats and Liberators compare to their older incarnations? All this and much more in part 1 of our unboxing.
WIP: Skaventide Stormcast & Skaven
Today, we’re lifting the lid on the new Skaventide Box. We were lucky enough to get our hands on it early, and Garfy has already been busy assembling and painting the first Stormcast Eternals. In this post, you’ll get a first glimpse of what’s inside and what you can look forward to in the coming weeks.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Knight Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis
Today’s post should be me rage quitting the hobby and setting fire to my existing Stormcast Eternals models but I’m not doing that. Instead out of the hypothetical fires are born a new Stormiest, ready to march forth into a different Realm and a new edition of Age of Sigmar.
Review: Cryptborn’s Stormwing & The Blacktalons
Thanks to the ongoing Dawnbringers narrative, the Stormcast Eternals have two new releases to look forward to: Cryptborn’s Stormwing and the Blacktalons, known from the novels and the Warhammer+ animation series. In this review, we’ll brave the storm and unbox both kits.
Showcase: Warcry: Crypt of Blood Starter Set (inc. painting guides)
Are you new to Warcry? Is the new Crypt of Blood Starter Set worth getting? I’ll share my thoughts after having painted the entire set. I’ll also share painting guides for the entire contents of the box alongside some stunning cinematic photography.
Review: Warcry: Crypt of Blood starter set
Similar to Kill Team before it, Warcry, the skirmish offshoot of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, now also receives a compact starter box. However, it’s surprising that the set doesn’t include models or terrain pieces from the original Warcry launch box. Instead, it features two recycled Warhammer: Underworlds warbands combined with a new set of graveyard scenery. In my review, I’ll explain whether Warcry: Crypt of Blood is worth it or not.