Horus Heresy

WIP: Horus Ascended #2

Sons of Horus Horus Ascended WIP image 2

In this latest update on Horus Ascended, I’m excited to share the progress on this highly detailed model with you here on Tale of Painters. I’ve recently finished painting the base and the left shoulder pauldron. Here are my thoughts and observations on the process so far.

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Horus Heresy

WIP: Horus Ascended #1

Horus Ascended painted by Stahly, WIP shot #1

Do you remember when I reviewed Horus Ascended and boldly promised to keep you updated on the painting progress? Well, it took a bit longer than expected, but I finally got started on this magnificent model. Here’s my current progress.

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Horus Heresy, Reviews

Review: Horus Ascended

Horus Ascended Review & unboxing

Here on Tale of Painters, we celebrate the ascension of Horus with a review of the new Primarch model from Forge World. Horus Ascended marks the beginning of a new generation of sculpts that will capture the Primarchs in the later eras of heresy. In this unboxing, we find out whether Horus has been given a successful new update.

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Horus Heresy, Showcase

Showcase: Sons of Horus Kratos Heavy Assault Tank

Cinematic shot of a Sons of Horus Kratos Heavy Assault Tank painted by Stahly

One of the most popular models of the new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy was without a doubt the Kratos Heavy Assault Tank. This massive behemoth of a tank closes the gap between the Sicaran Battle Tank and the Fellblade, and the kit is a real treat for any treadhead. I couldn’t imagine a better model to kick off my Sons of Horus collection, so enjoy a few pictures of my very own Kratos in this post.

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