WIP: Deathwatch Kill Team Cassius #2
Things proceeding well on the Deathwatch figures! Got lots done on the metallics, lots on the Biker in general, and so on. Now the huge task of the little details commences…
WIP: Deathwatch Kill Team Cassius #1
A while ago, pretty much out of the blue, we decided to give Deathwatch: Overkill a go. Usually I don’t play anything unpainted, but in this case, we made an exception. Still, shortly thereafter I started painting the Deathwatch Marines. This is a rather early…
Bonus Showcase: Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion Vrosh Tattersoul
“Call that a knife, this is a knife!” Quick post today to share with you guys a ‘bonus’ picture of my Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion I recently finished. I really like this shot of him crashing into the young Deathwatch Blood Claw. The action…
Showcase: Completed Deathwatch Overkill Team
Ta-daaaa! Wow, what a labour of love that was. So much detail in all of these models. I pushed myself on these models and I’m really happy with them. Each one is what I would describe as ‘character level’ painting. That extra effort you put…
Showcase: Deathwatch Assault Marine Antor Delassio
The last model in my Deathwatch squad is complete. Antor Delassio joins the ranks but jump packing in and flaming all xenos to death before chopping them up into little chunks with his trusty chainsword. Rear shot after the jump. My next post will be…
Showcase: Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran Edryc Setorax
Edryc is finished. It’s the first time I’ve ever painted a Raven Guard model. It was ok, it’s the same way I’d pretty much paint a Death Company marine for my Blood Angels but with white icons instead of red. The lightning claws look sweet…
WIP: Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran Edryc Setorax
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “’Tis some visitor,”…
Showcase: Deathwatch Corvus Blackstar
Hey guy’s, today I thought I’d show the new Deathwatch Corvus Blackstar that I recently finished. I really like this model as it has a menacing feel to it as a lot of the new Deathwatch models do. As the summer draws to an end…
WIP: Deathwatch Assault Marine Antor Delassio
I already have a small collection of Blood Angels, so I really like it when I paint a Deathwatch marine from that parent Chapter. This guy is just like painting Death Company marine. I’m actually painting him at the same time as the other assault…
Showcase: Deathwatch Librarian Jensus Natorian
Oh yes! I’m really happy with how Jensus came out. Is’t it amazing that one pleasant painting experience can truly replenish your hobby motivation. More pictures after the jump! Looks like my Stormcast are going to take a little back seat whilst I paint the…
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