40k, Showcase

Showcase: Death Korps of Krieg Kill Team

Death Korps Sergeant on a purple sky background, painted by Dunk

A cold start here in the UK this January. Many areas seeing snow with chilling rain & winds. Talking of Cold, the Astra Miliatarum Krieg range refresh is on the way. As a dedicated Astra…  “Guard” player and collector (forgive me I’m an oldschool) I am very excited for the new models and the new Guard Codex.

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40k, Reviews

Review: Death Korps of Krieg army set

The Death Korps of Krieg Warhammer 40k army set on a concrete background, lit with orange light

The Death Korps Veteran Kill Team was just the beginning. After a long wait, the new plastic Death Korps of Krieg range is finally here, kicking off with the army set. In our review, we’ll be discussing the build options for all the new kits, including the new Death Riders and Combat Engineers. We’ll also be taking a look at high-res sprue images and the new 10th Edition Warhammer 40,000 Astra Militarum Codex.

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Cadian Rogal Dorn Battle Tank

Close up of the crew of a Rogal Dorn Battle Tank from Warhammer 40k, painted by Dunk

Hi everyone, hope this reaches you all safe and well in the busy lead up to Christmas. With the night’s drawing in, if you are like me, you are getting those lamps on and painting away regardless. I am pleased to be able to share photos of my Rogal Dorn Battle Tank. The Rogal Dorn is a “heavy” battle tank, with a vast array of weapon options. The Rogal Dorn can hold a battle line or move forward in a crushing advance with ease. 

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40k, Painting Guides, Showcase

Showcase: Blood Angels Stormraven

On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought, check out how he did in a recent battle and there’s a recipe card showing how I painted the Dreadnought. There’s also a bonus army picture so you can see all 1720pts in their painted glory.

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40k, Painting Guides, Showcase

Showcase: Kit-bashed Blood Angel Terminator Captain

Astorath has a grim task, it falls to him to take his brothers’ lives when they have been lost to the Black Rage and have no semblance of control. It is not uncommon for Astorath to best his fallen battle brother in combat before he can bring his executioner’s axe down on them. On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Astorath and I’ll give you a top tip for painting him too.

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