40k, Reviews

Review: Plastic Aeldari Warp Spiders, Fire Dragons & Swooping Hawks

The boxes of plastic Aeldari Fire Dragons, Warp Spiders, and Swooping Hawks, arranged for a review on a dark concrete background with blue lighting

The Aeldari community has been clamoring for plastic Aspect Warriors for years. First we got Howling Banshees, then Dark Reapers and Shining Spears, and after the Striking Scorpions, which were released for Kill Team, now finally the rest are following. In this review, we take a look at the high-res sprue images and all the build options of the new Warp Spiders, Fire Dragons, and Swooping Hawks.

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Kill Team, Reviews

Review: Kill Team: Salvation

Kill Team: Salvation review and unboxing

With some delay, Santa Claus brings us the new Kill Team: Salvation box just in time for Christmas Eve. A water planet inhabited by the Adeptus Mechanicus sets the stage for a new season of Kill Team, and the Aeldari send Striking Scorpions to encounter newly designed Space Marine Scouts. In this review, we unbox the set and see what’s changed over previous boxes.

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