Mordheim, Showcase

Showcase: Mordheim Skaven Warband

Hey, ‘member the Mordheim Skaven I painted a while ago? Well, I took some more photos of the fnished warband now. Over the past years I accumulated some late medieval/Fantasy terrain and made those trees and all, so I thought I should give one of…

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Mordheim, Reviews

Review: Antediluvian Film-based Pirates

*cough cough* Today I would like to present you with a few thoughts on an inconceivable set of miniatures which was released recently by Antediluvian Miniatures.  Antediluvian Miniatures do have some very interesting ranges. It’s a small, but eclectic bunch of mostly ‘pulp’ miniatures, prehistoric monstrosities…

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Mordheim, Showcase

Showcase: Skaven Assassins

Here’s the start on another Fantasy warband project: It’s a bunch of lovely Skaven Assassins for Mordheim (I still tend to type Mortheim, because for the German version they changed the name as “Mord” is “Murder” in German and that would have been a bit…

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WIP: Mordheim Mercenary Slayer

Another mercenary for the Empire warband. This time it’s a dwarf, quite obviously. Slayer, even! It’s an Avatars of War miniature again. Once I finished this one I can half-proudly say that I painted all AoW dwarf miniatures that were released to date! Well, until…

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WIP: Mordheim Mercenary Ogre

Hey people, I’m back on the Mordheim warband after taking a quick detour into my historical wargaming project again. Today we got a mighty mercenary ogre!   The model, as some of you will recognize, is one of the Avatars of War characters. All I…

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WIP: Mordheim Elven Ranger

Heyhey, just another single miniature WIP from me then after I was pretty occupied with technical stuff and non-GW stuff over the past days. So, the Mordheim elven ranger. Cool mini, unusual hair but I think that the mold is kind of worn out at…

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WIP: Mordheim Empire Champion

  After the priest in last post, here’s another of the heroes of the warband – a grizzled champion with a nasty scar/wound and some sweet wine to soothe the pain. I painted this miniature before for other projects but it really always is a…

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WIP: Mordheim Empire Swordsmen

  A bit of an update on the Mordheim warband – the first three swordsmen with faces only a mother or a wargamer could love. 😉 As with the missile troops before, they are almost finished and they will get a little neatening up overall…

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