40k, Horus Heresy, Reviews

Review: Plastic Cerastus Knight Lancer

Horus Heresy Cerastus Knight Lancher review and unboxing

People may be waiting for more infantry, but first, the Horus Heresy setting is gifted with another colossal plastic kit: the Cerastus Knight Lancer (also playable in Warhammer 40,000). In our review, we take a closer look at the largest Imperial Knight to date.

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: High King of Knight House Teldor

Hi, all! A quick look at a quick paint job of a High King of my Knight House Teldor, marching for the Ministorum. I used the model of Rogue Trader Janus Draik from the Blackstone Fortress set. Can you identify the small changes I made…

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