40k, Showcase

Showcase: Grey Knight Army Shot (so far)

I’ve come to a standstill with my Grey Knight collection. I’m a bit distracted with Dreadfleet, Scouts and Necrons at the moment, which is a shame because I’m an interceptor squad and a storm raven short of 1500pts. Hopefully I’ll return to this force in…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarine Scouts

My long term project of painting a 100 man strong Scout company is 5 models nearer. Currently totalling 35 painted models I’m 1/3 of the way there. I recently bought a really good condition box set of Tyranid Attack which has 10 of these scout…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Mission Objective Marker

Hey guys, just a quick one for now – it’s a multi-purpose mission objective marker. For instance: For anything Imperial: This is one of the purestrains who started a Genestealer incursion on Phyrrus VII. It has to be retrieved so the guys at Adeptus Biologus…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Eldar Reaver Jetbikes

In the excitement of sharing the good news that my Necron Immortal made it on to the What’s New Today blog, I forgot to share one of my Dark Eldar units with you guys. My 6 Reaver Jetbikes. My favourite bit of my paint job…

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