Showcase: Warcry Azyrite Ruins gaming board (inc. painting guides)
Today’s the day I get to show you my completed Warcry board, packed full of all sorts of Azyrite Ruins. I’ve included pictures of all the terrain pieces and even a little painting guide.
Showcase: Warcry Azyrite Plaza & Ruins #2
In this post, I’m showing you the second half of my Warcry terrain collection. Alongside more Azyrite Ruins, I’ve also painted some scatter terrain pieces I’ve collected from various sources.
Showcase: Warcry Red Harvest Wooden Tower
My quest to build a complete terrain collection for Warcry, Spearhead, and Warhammer Age of Sigmar continues. In this post, I’m showing the latest additions: the wooden platform from the Varanite Camp in Warcry: Red Harvest.
Showcase: Warcry Azyrite Plaza & Ruins #1
Today, I’m showcasing the first half of my Age of Sigmar terrain collection. I’ve painted the Azyrite Ruins from the original Warcry starter box, if you remember those. You’ll find pictures, colours, techniques, and my thoughts on them in this post.
Showcase: Ossiarch Bonereapers Teratic Prowlers
I’ve always been a big fan of the Ossiarch Bonereapers range, and with the release of Warcry: Briar and Bone, it was the perfect time to paint a few of these “bone samurai”. In this post, I’ll show you the Teratic Prowlers from the Teratic Cohort, which I used as test models for my upcoming Warcry warband.
Showcase: Warcry Azyrite Plaza ruin (inc. painting guide)
After our Warcry afternoon with Garfy and Dunk, I caught the Warcry bug. So it was time to finally complete my game set to have a fully painted terrain set at home. For this, I came up with a new colour scheme, which I’m sharing with you in this post.
Showcase: Soulblight Gravelords Warcry warband (and battle report)
In June this year, we planned a day full of Warhammer, and our buddy Dunk joined in as well. We decided on a multiplayer game of Warcry so that we could all play simultaneously. I combed through my collection and assembled a warband of Soulblight Gravelords, while Garfy commanded Stormcast and Dunk led Chaos Legionaires. You can find pictures of all our warbands and our game in this showcase post.
Review: Warcry: Briar and Bone
Join us in this review and unboxing of Warcry: Briar and Bone, as we unbox the contents, from models to the exclusive warband tome, and provide an in-depth review of what this new Warcry expansion has to offer. As the final showdown in the Ravening Ruin draws near, these Teratic Cohorts of the Ossiarch Bonereapers and Sylvaneth Twistweald vie for control over the potent relics hidden within the wrecked Seraphon temple ship, Talaxis.
Showcase: Soulblight Gravelords Vargskyr (inc. painting guides)
To bolster my Soulblight Gravelords warband for Warcry, I’ve enlisted some bestial support in the form of a Vargskyr. This iconic model is one of my favourites from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, and it pairs wonderfully with my Fell Bats. In this post, I’ll share pictures and explain how I painted the body and details of the Vargskyr.
Review: Warcry: Pyre and Flood
In the tangled depths of the Gnarlwood, a battle of elemental forces unfolds in Warcry: Pyre & Flood. This latest expansion brings two new warbands into the fray – the Ydrilan Riverblades and the Pyregheists. As the Nighthaunt seek to engulf the verdant realm in flames, the Lumineth Realm-lords stand as its protectors. With high-resolution sprue images and an exploration of both warbands’ build options, this review dives into the heart of the conflict raging within the Ravening Ruin.
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