Showcase: Grandfather’s Gardeners from Warhammer Underworlds (inc. painting guides)
Grandfather Nurgle loves his plague gardens, and this rancid bunch are his gardeners, sowing maggots and watering them seepages they help cultivate a myriad of diseases and plagues. In today’s post I share my painted Grandfather’s Gardeners and the paint recipe cards I used for them.
Review: Warhammer Underworlds Grandfather’s Gardeners & Jaws of Ixil
Two new warbands are set to be released for the new edition of Warhammer Underworlds. In this review and unboxing, we take a closer look at the Grandfather’s Gardeners, a Mastery warband of Nurgle Daemons, as well as the Strike warband Jaws of Ixil from the reptilian Seraphon. Join us as we explore the new warband box format, its contents, and what might have been left out.
Review: Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard
The new edition of Warhammer Underworlds has landed, promising a streamlined and reinvigorated experience. We eagerly grabbed our box set, ready to see if the Embergard core box can live up to the promises. Will it reignite our passion for Warhammer Underworlds or will the changes leave us feeling a bit flat?
Showcase: The Skinnerkin from Warhammer Underworlds (inc. painting guide)
The Summerking’s feasts are renowned up and down his Kingdom all thanks to his butchers and the premier butchers amongst them all are the Skinnerkin. The Skinnerkin are led by Gristla Tenderhooke and comprise of Young Master Kretch, Flensemaster Pewdrig, Seddrik the Chain and the Carnskyr. In today’s post I share my finished painted Skinnerkin, a painting guide for them and an army shot of my entire Flesh-eater Courts collection.
Review: Warhammer Underworlds: Wintermaw
Venture into the frigid depths of the Deathgorge, where the Rimewyrms lurk in perpetual cold, and treacherous caverns hold secrets waiting to be unearthed. This is the Wintermaw, the chilling backdrop for the next season of Warhammer Underworlds. In our review of Warhammer Underworlds: Wintermaw, we’ll explore the icy battlegrounds, the new warbands, and the thrilling Rivals decks that await players in this frostbitten realm.
Showcase: Warhammer Underworlds Rivals of the Mirrored City
Four of the classic warbands from the first seasons of Warhammer Underworlds are returning, namely: Zarbag’s Gitz, Thorns of the Briar Queen, Mollog’s Mob, and Spiteclaw’s Swarm. In this showcase post, we’ll show you all four warbands from the new Rivals of the Mirrored City box painted by Garfy and Stahly.
Showcase: Underworlds Thricefold Discord Slaanesh Daemons (inc. painting guide)
Serving penitence in frozen catacombs, three petty Slaaneshi Heralds who can’t put aside their differences seek the ice-entombed souls for their redemption on the blog today. Put on your scarf and gloves as we take a look at these stunning models and I’ll share my painting guide with you.
Showcase: Nighthaunt The Headman’s Curse
Enter the grim and haunting Headman’s Curse, the new Nighthaunt warband for the Wyrdhollow season of Warhammer Underworlds. Amongst the cursed executioners of Nagash stands the Bearer of the Block, a sinister henchman of the Bearer of the Blade. This is the first model I painted of the Headman’s Curse, and in this post I’ll provide you with a complete painting guide for recreating my Nighthaunt scheme.e
Showcase: The Grymwatch (inc. painting guide)
Join me on a quest to track down a gallant bunch of elusive heroes so I can recruit them to the court of my Arch Regent. On today’s blog post, I share how I got my hands on the discontinued Grymwatch, some stunning photography and how I painted them.
Showcase: Nighthaunt Headman’s Curse Bearer of the Block (inc. painting guide)
Enter the grim and haunting Headman’s Curse, the new Nighthaunt warband for the Wyrdhollow season of Warhammer Underworlds. Amongst the cursed executioners of Nagash stands the Bearer of the Block, a sinister henchman of the Bearer of the Blade. This is the first model I painted of the Headman’s Curse, and in this post I’ll provide you with a complete painting guide for recreating my Nighthaunt scheme.e
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