Showcase: Necromunda Escher Gang Pt. 3
Welcome to part three of the showcase of the Escher gang I painted recently. Here I present models number 11 to 15. Most notably of the bunch is the heavy with plasma cannon, a somewhat rare model that often fetches high prices on ebay. To…
Showcase: Necromunda Escher Gang Pt. 2
Hi there, back in November I started showcasing my Escher gang – click here for part 1 with the first five models. Sorry for the long delay for part two, but it wasn’t until I completed the gang that I found the time to get…
WIP: Escher Gang(ers) finished!
Just time for Garfy’s and my “Tale of Mega Painter” project, I put the last finishing touches to my last two Escher models yesterday. Today I also varnished the models that weren’t yet, that means the whole collection/the whole gang is complete now! About four…
WIP: Necromunda Escher Gangers almost finished!
As you read this, I’m putting the last finishing touches to the models above. This means the gang draws close to completion! Remember, I was painting all 20 different Escher models. Now I need to add the last details and tidy everything up (especially the…
WIP: Necromunda Escher Gangers #1
It’s the final countdown, du du du duh… only two more models to complete my collection of the whole Escher model range from Necromunda. I plan to get them done over the week so I can start my Dark Eldar kabal next weekend. The ganger…
WIP: Escher Leader and Juve finished!
I finished painting these two models for my Escher gang for Necromunda earlier this week, however I haven’t found the time to blog them earlier. The leader and the juve above are the ones that came in the Escher box set, so they are one…
WIP: Escher Leader and Juve #2
Update time for my Escher leader and juve from Necromunda. I’m gonna paint furiously to get them done this weekend. Next up is the brown leather, metal, and various other details. I thought I might make the bandana of the leader turquoise, should add a…
WIP: Escher Leader and Juve #1
Hi there, this is the leader model from the Escher gang box set. I feel she has a little Axl Rose vibe to her, rocking her bandana like it’s the early 90s. She will get a nice two tone mohawk. Then we also have the…
WIP: Necromunda Escher Gangers finished!
Hi there, I’ve completed my latest two Escher gangers. That means just four models to go now. As the time goes by, doesn’t it… My aim is to get the whole gang done this month, so this means I need to romp up my painting…
WIP: Necromunda Escher Gangers #1
Another year, another batch of Escher gangers… six models more to go until the whole collection is complete. I don’t know what to say else anymore, so here you go. I’ll try to get them all done this month so I can soon start painting…
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