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Welcome to part three of the showcase of the Escher gang I painted recently. Here I present models number 11 to 15. Most notably of the bunch is the heavy with plasma cannon, a somewhat rare model that often fetches high prices on ebay. To do the model justice, I added a plasma glow effect. See more angles after the jump.

For the light effect, I employed what I learned from the leader and plasma pistol wielding ganger frompart 2 of this showcase. Basically I took the base colour and added more and more amounts of VGC Falcon Turquoise, until I did a final highlight of pure Falcon Turquoise followed by P3 Arcane Blue. Check out the shot above to see how the plasma glow hits the yellow bra. I think it’s my best OSL effect so far, even though I still have a hard time to pull off this technique properly.

By the way, something is strange with the left hand of the leader. It sort of melts into the plasma cannon. I tried to paint it like there is a pink hand guard coming out of the weapon that hides the hand.

What do you think of these models? Tell me your thoughts in the comments. Stay tuned for part four with the  final five models and a group shot of the whole collection!