Ultramarines Assault Terminators Painting IX
Sadly I didn’t manage to finish them today as the hot weather really slowed my painting down… Well, almost there.
Ultramarines Assault Terminators Painting VIII
Today was a holiday in Germany so I could have a healthy dose of painting. I finished the armour, did the gold areas, did the purity seals and basecoated the white areas. I hope to finish these two this weekend!
Ultramarines Assault Terminators Painting VII
I started highlighting the armour. The left one is already finished, the right Terminator needs his second highlight.
Ultramarines Assault Terminators Painting VI
Back at painting my Ultramarines Terminators. I started basecoating and shading them. On a sidenote, today was the launch of the Citadel Finecast range. There are shocking pictures of them on the web, like here or there (page is in German, but the pictures speak…
Ultramarines Assault Terminators Painting V
So the first two Terminators are basically done, apart from some minor corrections. On a side note, I’ll be messing with the layout again in the next time, so don’t be suprised.
Ultramarines Assault Terminators Painting IV
So yeah, they start to look like something. I paint the white areas with VGC Ghost Grey, a very light cool grey and highlight them afterwards with White. The result looks still like white but there is more definition (unfortunately it’s hard to see on…
Ultramarines Assault Terminators Painting III
I finished the armour and painted the gold areas. Different to the ‘Eavy Metal paintjob I used much more gold on the models so they will fit better to my regular marines which are from the 2nd company. All the currently grey areas will become…
Ultramarines Assault Terminators Painting II
I started highlighting the armour. I must say my brush control skills when applying extreme edge highlights have suffered while painting Skaven. I have to do a lot of correcting.
Ultramarines Assault Terminators Painting I
Today I primed the four Terminators and did the bases for them. I will finish them in groups of two. I basecoated the first pair blue and did the blacklining.
More Assembling Fun with Ultramarines
I assembled a fourth Terminator (second from the left) and started basing them. The Terminator Seargent has to wait unfortunately, I need some bitz from him that aren’t available from any bitz seller at the moment. But to make it up, I decided to paint…
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