Ultramarines Terminators Assembling
And now for something completely different… After a lot of painting Skaven, I thought it would be great to work on something for my other armies. With Grey Knights beeing all the rage lately, I dug out a box of Close Combat Terminators I bought…
Shot of my whole Ultramarines army
As promised on Tuesday, I took a picture of my Ultramarines as well. Unfortunately there are a lot of shadows, but it is a bit sharper than the last army shot I took and you can see recent additions like the Shotgun Scouts or the…
Showcase: Venerable Dreadnought
I haven’t forgotten this one. Finally proper pictures of my Ultramarines Venerable Dreadnought. The Venerable Dreadnought is a very well thought out kit and packed full of options. Sadly, not all of them look that good. As I am a graphic designer in real life,…
Venerable Dreadnought finished
I finished the Venerable Dreadnought yesterday. Thought it might be cool to put him next to my old regular Dreadnought. I’m going to varnish him pretty soon and of course there will be a high quality showcase in the near future. Next up is the…
Venerable Dreadnought Missile Launcher
Just finished the Missile Launcher arm for my Dreadnought. The other arm will host a Lascannon.
Venerable Dreadnought body complete
Finished the hull and glued the Dreadnought together. I’m moving now to the arms. Painting is very exhausting at the moment because it’s really hot in Germany. My fellow readers from the US may laugh about temperatures of 30 °C (86 °F) but it makes…
Venerable Dreadnought… again
Before I’m going to paint more Eldar Guardians I’m going back to my Ultramarines Venerable Dreadnought. I’m currently working on the main hull.
Venerable Dreadnought legs
Quick update on the Venerable Dreadnought. Finished the legs and moved to the body.
100th Post! And a Venerable Dreadnought…
Cheers, this is my 100th post in this blog! Thanks to my 75 followers – if you like my blog and have a Blogspot-Blog as well or Google Connect why not become a follower yourself? It’s a great motivation to know there are people out…
Venerable Dreadnought Assembling
Even more assembling, I couldn’t resist to build the plastic Venerable Dreadnought I bought some time ago. As you can see, he will be from the shooty kind with a Missile Launcher from the regular Cybot kit. I didn’t like both of the leg armour…
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