Grandfather Nurgle loves his plague gardens, and this rancid bunch are his gardeners, sowing maggots and watering them seepages they help cultivate a myriad of diseases and plagues. In today’s post I share my painted Grandfather’s Gardeners and the paint recipe cards I used for them.

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These gross gardeners wander the Embergard sowing their rancid maggots, the sweltering innards of Embergard are perfect growing condition for their patch of plagues.

Model supplied to me by Games Workshop. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

The new season of Underworlds hasn’t grabbed my attention enough to want to play it yet. I think I’m a bit burnt out by the relentless stream of Underworlds boxed games coming out and superseding their predecessor. It was impossible for me to keep up with. When I saw the Grandfather’s Gardeners warband I immediately thought it would be a perfect addition to my Maggotkin of Nurgle army.

From top to bottom;  Phleghmus Potbelly and Squort

Previous Warbands for Underworlds have had their own Warscroll rules for Age of Sigmar games, but I can’t see anything of the sort for this Warband on the Warhammer Community download page, that’s ok though because I don’t think it’s needed. What you have here is a new Herald of Nurgle model in the form of Phleghmus Potbelly who even comes on a 40mm base like other heroes.

From top to bottom; Slunge, Bug-Eyed Dipterus and Maggoty Strewg

These three warriors are perfect additions to a unit Plague Bearers, Slunge is your bog-standard Plague Bearer, Bug-Eyed Dipterus is an icon bearer and Maggoty Strewg can be the Plague Ridden (unit champion). It’s a shame there wasn’t a musician model, maybe Squort can be the unit musician, he kinda resembles bag pipes.

How to Paint Grandfather’s Gardeners

How to paint Spoilpox Scrivener Nurgle Plaguebearers by Garfy

This Nurgle warband are part of my Maggotkin of Nurgle army, so that means I want the colour schemes to all match. The Spoilpox Scivener painting recipe card above includes most of the information that you need to paint Grandfather’s Gardeners. For Squort, I used the Rot Flies recipe card below.

How to paint Plague Drones of Nurgle by Garfy

These models were actually really time-consuming and tricky to paint. The warband is littered with numerous mites and maggots and they all have to be picked out individually. I did, enjoy it though and I’m kinda itching to paint more… oh that itch is rash… looks infected…

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay