40k, Showcase

Showcase: Sons of Kharadriss Primaris Sergeant

Hi all! Today I would like to present my first painted Primaris Space Marine from the Dark Imperium box set. It’s painted in the colours of my self-invented Space Marine chapter: The Sons of Kharadriss. I also came up with a little bit of background,…

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WIP: Ultramarines Captain Cato Sicarius #2

Making some good progress on Sicarius. For now, I’m focussing on completing his body, then I’ll be moving on to the banner. How do you like the model so far? My rendition is a bit different from the ‘Eavy Metal paint job by Joe Tomaszewski…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Eldar Raider

Hey guys ThirdEyeNuke here with a showcase of a Dark Eldar Raider that is part of an army that I painted for a friend. I really love the model but it was so fiddly as I painted it in parts to avoid breakage and to…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Mek Boss Buzzgob

Hey all, today I thought I’d show an Ork Mek Boss Buzzgob. The model is by Forge World and came out quite a few years ago. Its a three part figure set with Buzzgob and two Grot’elpers. I love this set as it’s full of…

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WIP: Ultramarines Captain Cato Sicarius #1

While I put the final finishing touches to my Assault Squad, I started assembling and basecoating my next project: Captain Cato Sicarius. I bought this model in white metal soon after it was released. Since then he laid dormant, but now his time to shine…

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