This is a comprehensive tutorial of how I painted my squad of Vostroyans including all colours I used. Thought it might be useful for those who like my paint scheme.

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1. Prime the mini black. Paint the texture of the sand Charadon Granite, drybrush with P3 Trollblood Highlight and Menoth White Base.

2. Paint the brass armour with VGC Brassy Brass. Wash generously with Devlan Mud. Drybrush heavily with Brassy Brass, lightly with P3 Radiant Platinum. Highlight the edges with Radiant Platinum. Glaze with thinned Ogryn Flesh. For verdigris paint VGC Scurf Green in the recesses, followed by a mix of Scurf Green and P3 Thrall Flesh.

3. Paint the coats with P3 Thornwood Green. Wash with slightly thinned Badab Black. Layer Thornword Green, then a mix of Thornword Green and Traitor Green, then pure Traitor Green. Highlight the extreme edges with Thrall Flesh.

4. Paint the hats with Charadon Granite, wash with Badab Black. Drybrush with Charadon Granite, P3 Bastion Grey and Trollblood Highlight. The white hat of the officer was painted with Dheneb Stone, washed with Devlan Mud, brushed with Dheneb Stone and Menoth White Highlight.

5. Paint the skin with Tallarn Flesh, wash with Ogryn Flesh. Layer Tallarn Flesh and highlight with P3 Midlund and Ryn Flesh.

6. Paint the leather with Scorched Brown, wash generously with Badab Black. Layer Scorched Brown, highlight with P3 Bootstrap Leather.

7. Paint the metal with Boltgun Metal, wash with Badab Black, highlight with Chainmail.

8. Paint the black armour plates with Chaos Black. Paint the battle damage with Charadon Granite, Boltgun Metal and Mithril Silver.

9. Paint the red eye lenses with Blood Red, highlight with Blazing and Fiery Orange. Add a white dot.

10. The red wax and feather was done with Mechrite Red, washed with Badab Black, layered with Mechrite Red, highlighted with Blood Red and P3 Khardic Flesh. Purity seals are Khemri Brown, layered with a mix of Khemri Brown and P3 Menoth White Base, highlighted with pure Menoth White Base and Menoth White Highlight.