Review: Kill Team: Ashes of Faith
Just two weeks after the “Gallowfall fiasco” comes yet another Kill Team expansion set. In our Kill Team: Ashes of Faith review we take a look at both old and new models (but mainly old) and the brand new 2-player campaign system.
WIP: Lord Hector Rex and Fyreslayer Grimwrath Berserker
Hi all! As many other hobbyists I often start several models that I’d like to paint but then painting comes to a halt every time I turn to another new model. So today I would like to ask you to help me decide which…
WIP: Inquisitor Eisenhorn
A quick WIP shot of another Inquisitor Eisenhorn. At this point he’s mostly done, but needs some final smoothing out of things and so on. To distract from all these little problems I used a fancy backdrop. 😛 Note the slightly different colouring on the…
Showcase: Inquisitor Eisenhorn
A while ago a gentleman approached me and asked me to paint his Eisenhorn figure. It’s the new 28mm version, with hair. Otherwise he’s the same, and basically has the same pose as the original Inquisitor one as well. Straightforward, fun paintjob. 40k figures (especially…
Showcase: Inquisitor Greyfax
Hi all! Just wanted to present you my rendition of the new Inquisitor Greyfax model. I used some different colours in comparison to GW’s paint scheme. She has sort of steampunk feel to me. What do you think about the new Triumvirate models? Have you painted…
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