Showcase: Fieldstone Cottage (Terrain)
I have been doing a lot of casting and building with my Hirst Arts molds lately in preparation for SPDM4. This small fieldstone cottage is my latest creation. It painted up quick and easy with the airbrush using assorted Golden High Flow Acrylics and a dry brush…
Showcase: Cities of Death ruins for 2nd edition project
Has anyone else found it amusing that I’m using actually plastic ruins to proxy the card ruins from the 2nd edition boxed game? That’s pretty funny! Well I’ve finished painting the ruins. More pics after the jump. This versatile terrain set will allow me to…
WIP: Cities of Death Ruins for 2nd edition project
If you’ve been following my 2nd edition project, you’ll know I recently declared that I wouldn’t be using the cardboard ruins from the boxset and instead I would be making my own proxies from the Cities of Death plastic ruins. These are my painted test…
Showcase: Sparkle Party Death Match 3, Trophies
Today marks just one week until the dice drop on my third WHFB tournament “Sparkle Party Death Match 3, Fee-Fi-Fo-Fun!” I assembled these trophies with blocks cast from Hirst Arts molds, the Mad Dayn dice bearer models from Scibor and few pieces of styrene. In…
WIP: Sparkle Party Death Match 3, Trophies
In just a few weeks I am hosting my third WHFB tournament “Sparkle Party Death Match 3, Fee-Fi-Fo-Fun!” Tonight I assembled the trophies with blocks cast from Hirst Arts molds, the Mad Dayn dice bearer models from Scibor and few pieces of styrene. In the previous…
Review: Renedra Ramshackle Barn
Well, is that a glamorous title or what? Despite this I would like to talk about Renedra’s Ramshackle Barn kit which was released at Salute 2013. Many people I talked to online have this kit lying around but haven’t put it together nor painted it…
Showcase: Renedra Ramshackle Barn
Along with a bunch of other things I picked up to review from Warlord Games recently I got me this fine kit here. I’m toying with the idea to call it my “Lurve Shack”. It’s Renedra’s unglamorously named Ramshackle Barn and during some downtime last…
Review: Platformer Terrain System
Hey guys, recently I got a nice box full of toys from Wayland Games (who also happen to sponsor Tale of Painters so consider the banner in the right if you want to go to Wayland’s site) and thought I could write up a review…
Showcase: Urban Terrain
Hey, just a quick one here: A little bit of urban battlefield terrain. Quick, easy, effective. Hope you like it!
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