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Has anyone else found it amusing that I’m using actually plastic ruins to proxy the card ruins from the 2nd edition boxed game? That’s pretty funny! Well I’ve finished painting the ruins. More pics after the jump.
This versatile terrain set will allow me to recreate the battlefield layouts for the War for Armageddon scenarios from the 2nd edition boxed game. It’s also a nice terrain set to add to my terrain collection. I already had some ruined buildings and adding these to my collection means I can easily fill a 4×4 board with city ruins.
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Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Wow…your painting looks as crisp as always. Your painting is always an inspiration to me and I am continually wowed by you. Hop onto tyranid hive sometime and check out my latest Kraken renditions…I have improved much.
Are you planning to post up a tutorial for painting these ruins, that would be most awesome. Excellent work by the way, I've had the box set un painted from my teenage years and I'm really inspired by this project to finally get the orks painted!
I'm glad I inspire you. There won't be a tutorial on how I painted these. There are some notes in a previous post though.
These look great, man! Very clean (even though they're dirty!) 😉 Great photographs too. As always, thanks for the inspiration.
I hope to be finished with my first set of 5 Tactical Squad Marines by this weekend. I'll get them photographed up and send you pix.
My god these are so awesome. You're my new favorite painter.
This project just keeps getting more and more awesome with every post! Keep it up!
Sidebar: Any plans to do some sweet, sweet Second Edition battle reports? Would be great to see how much the dynamics have changed since then.
As always, thanks for sharing!
Apologies if this has been answered before, but where did you find the ruins?
I second that question.
They're the plastic Cities of Death ruins you can buy from any Games Workshop. They're glued to cut down warhammer fantasy plastic movement trays.
Very nicely done! I thought you mistaken somehow until I looked at the sprues – yours are so massively different to the box art I'm not sure I'd have made the connection otherwise.
Gawd, so many hours spent playing on those old card ruins, so very cool to see them all done up this way! Deceptively simple, yet fantastic results, and should make for a wicked game!
Consider me inspired 🙂
They look excellent Garfy, did they really give you that much terrain in the 2nd edition boxed set!? I appreciate it was card, but even so, thats a decent amount of terrain.
Great work here indeed! Nice one!
Terrific stuff. Tempted to do a set myself.