Jumping from my previous post in which I mentioned a Warrior of Chaos army that I was working on, I was also painting a fair few Tau models. The three Broadsides above are from a group of six that I worked on. The client wanted me to paint them in a similar scheme to the Tau that I showed last year. That colour scheme is quite popular with customers and I get asked to paint Tau a lot like that. I say that just in case you wonder why I always paint them in those colours. Its not me, its customers telling me to paint them that way:)
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I liked the sponged on damage. It does create a gritty texture not normally seen on gundam inspired mech suits. I'm quite a fan of bright colours, but I really like your use of a desaturated palette. It's totally refreshing.
While I usually find your gritty style not very fitting with mechanical units (they're great with beasts and demons I think), these models look quite nice, especially from a tabletop distance. Close-up, I really like the details on the guns and zenithal highlights. Kudos.