Hi my names Louise, Garfy invited me to share Vorvadoss my Greater Daemon of Tzeentch conversion on the blog today. After the jump I talk more about my model and share more pictures.
My Tzeentch army is my most recent Warhammer endeavour but one I knew I’d always end up doing, given my love for all things Lovecraftian and painting in the style of Lisa Frank. It seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to go a little bit crazy creatively whilst taking a nice break from my snakebite Orks.
Vorvadoss (the Greater Daemon of Tzeentch) Was a conversion I’ve had planned out in my head for about a year. He’s made primarily of around 3 or 4 kits; the Necro/warsphinx (making up his body), the Flamespyre Pheonix (the wings and head) and the chariot of Tzeentch, which is my favourite kit of all time, used for all the accessories and tentacles. I used quite a bit of greenstuff to fix him all together and change up his armour to look less ‘tomb-kingsy’ and more ‘shoggothy’.
I use primarily Games Workshop colours when painting any army, however Vallejo’s Fluorescent magenta (and their fluorescent line in general) has been a must for my Tzeentchians. These fluorescent paints are awesome for mixing to make really bright shades of whatever colour, I highly recommend if ‘obnoxious’ is what you’re going for.
If you’d like to follow more of my work, check out my tumblr and instagram.
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O-m-g, that painting is insane, and the converted model has great creativity!
hiya what is the base (the rock) made out of please ?
The main rocks that he's standing on are cork, the rubble is just astrogranite and small basing grit and the crystals are baked fimo which I sculpted into crystal shapes. Hope this helps.
This is unbelievable, well done. I actually just stopped and stared when this came up lol.
I was pleasantly surprised to see this mini on the site =) as I really like your distinct style with all your other Tzeentch minis on FLickr. This is a very vibrant colour scheme and the conversion is awesome!!
One thing is that I have to agree on one of the Anonymous comment was that it is quite hard to look at meaning i couldn't find a focal point because there was too much bright colour. I really like the darker shades on the tips of the wings. Maybe a bit of that could have been used in the main body of upper torso.
In saying that it's just my opinion. Your tzeentch models definitely caught my attention. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing the rest =)
Thanks for all the awesome comments guy!
Awesome! I think it would look awesome under a uv/black light too!
I can only quote all of the above! Awesome conversion and paint job!
Beautifully bright confusing rich Tzneetch palette, ideal for a Lord of Change. Love the fact that it is so bright and colourful, a perfect contrast to the Grimdark realspace.
Astounding. The best painted model I have ever seen.
Fantastic conversion, & truely amazing painting! :-O Appropriately psychedelic visual overload for a Tzeentchian daemon.
Best model I've seen painted all year. Hands down.
fabulous, my taste likes the bright colors
Woah! More pictures please!
damn. just damn.
That is simply stunning 11/10!!
10/10 I love those colors! Amazing conversion!
Oh my gods wow! Do you have any more in-progress shots. Would love to see the journey.
Technically its great, but also find it hard to look at. It reminds me more of Rainbow Dash from my little pony rather than how I imagine the creatures from H.P.Lovecraft. But thats just me. Still a great paintjob though and the conversion is beyond fantastic.
This is an amazing miniature,
1- I love the conversion. Greenstuffing is top notch and overall concept is unique.
2- my eyes are confused when I look at it painted. I feel like the paint job needs some editing.
3- the colors are bright and vibrant! It really makes it magical.
Looks great. Had a look at your other work and I liked the Ork stuff alot.
Interested to know which colours you used for Ork skin.
Cheers dude, my really bright ork recipe goes:
Base – waagh flesh
Shade – biel tan green
Layer 1 – warboss green
Layer 2- moot green
highlights – ogryn camo
(Glaze of waywatcher if you're feeling extra green)
Crazy awesome!