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And here they are: My Ironsoul’s Condemnors, painted in the livery of the Stormblood Guard. That wraps it up for Tale of Tuesdays Warhammer Underworlds edition. Four hobbyists painting 8 9 warbands in four months, and lots of readers joining us along the way. Check out another shot of my Stormcasts (plus all the paint recipes) after the jump.

I’m really happy with how my paint scheme turned out. I consulted the Battletome and settled for the classic silver-gold-red combination of the Stormblood Guard. I couldn’t help myself to add my own spin to this paint scheme, so I made the silver a bit warmer, the gold a bit paler, and the red more crimson. I relied a lot on Contrast paints and washed to establish the base colours and shading, then mixed an appropriate colour to layer over any areas where the Contrast paint or wash pooled in an unsightly way before I added some highlights. I found this way you can get the most out of Contrast paints while still saving a lot of time.

Here are my recipes:

Wraithbone Primer


Masonry: VMC German Grey, wash with Basilicanum Grey, drybrush with Mechanicus Standard Grey, TAP Filthy Cape, Longbeard Grey

Texture:  Mechanicus Standard Grey, drybrush with Longbeard Grey, wash with 1:1 TAP Dark Tone / Strong Tone Ink

Leaves: Knarloc Green, wash with Creed Camo, highlight with Elysian Green

Rim: VMC Black

Azyrite armour and gold

Basecoat P3 Radiant Platinum

Wash with 1:1 Contrast Medium / Dark Tone Ink

Basecoat gold with Liberator Gold

Wash with 1:1 Reikland Fleshshade / Gloss

Drybrush both armour and gold with Scale75 Speed Metal


Wash with two layers of VMC Black Ink

Highlight with Mechanicus Standard Grey

Red robes and armour panels

2 layers of Flesh Tearers Red

Smooth the result with a mix of Gal Vorbak Red / Mephiston Red / Flesh Tearers Red

Robes: Highlights with 1:1 Wazdakka Red / Mephiston Red, Pink Horror

Pteruges: Highlights with Pink Horror, TAP Scar Tissue

Shoulder panel and shield: Highlights with Pink Horror, TAP Centaur Skin

Silver Buttons: Iron Warriors, highlight Scale75 Thrash Metal

Purple details

2 layers Volupus Pink

Highlight Emperors’ Children


Cygor Brown

Highlight: P3 Beast Hide

Beige robes

Wash with 3:2 Agrax Earthshade / Lahmian Medium

Smooth the result with a mix of Dheneb Stone / P3 Jack Bone / Wraithbone

Highlight with RMC Polished Bone

Crystal flacons

Corax White

Wash with Nihilakh Oxide

Selective shading with P3 Turquoise Ink

Highlights with Corax White, VMC White

Mounting: Incubi Darkness, highlight with VGC Jade Green

Dark Metal

VMechaC Mecha Steel

Wash with 1:1 Dark Tone Ink / Nuln Oil Gloss

Drybrush Scale75 Thrash Metal

I also signed up for the early-access version of Warhammer Underworlds on Steam. While the amount of Warbands and cards is still pretty limited, the graphics and animations are fantastic and the game really helped me to come to grips with all the rules, so maybe I’ll feel comfortable enough to enter a local tournament at some point.

Make sure to check back next Tuesday when we have a look at all our readers’ entries and choose our favourite warband to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher for an Underworld warband box of their choice.

That means there is still one week left to enter your warband, so don’t forget to use the following hashtags on social media platforms (twitter, Instagram or facebook), if you want to paint along with us:

#taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames

Make sure your account is public (in case of facebook, set your #taleoftuesdays posts to public).

From all of your warbands that were painted during Tale of Tuesdays, we pick our favourite warband to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher for an Underworld warband box of your choice so you can start painting another warband right away.