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Hey all. Today I thought I’d show the Forge World Imperial Fist Outriders that I finished a few days ago. I painted these guys along with 3 Forge World Jetbikes. I really enjoyed working on these as I have have wanted to paint the Imperial Fist colour scheme for quite some time now. Yellow is a really nice colour to work with as at the same time of being bright it really gives you the opportunity to weather it a lot. I should hopefully get some photos up for the Jetbikes. But have put a taster photo below. What do you guys think?
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The tires, I really, really like those tires. Just jump out at me. The yellow is great too, I'd like to know how it's done!
I'd value a tutorial too! Amazing fists.
Hey Cheers Rev, I'll try and get one up soon.
Love these yellow bikers. Reminds me of my beloved Honda Hornet motorbike that was stolen last year. That was bright yellow.
Cheers Garfy. Thieves grrrrrrrr
Hey thanks, I will try and do a tutorial when I get a chance. At the moment though I am pretty tied down for a few weeks. It would be a nice tutorial to do though.
I agree, great yellow, please consider a tutorial for this! 🙂
Nice! Love the models!
Was hoping for some more FW on this blog.
Usually not very fond of the yellow, but this looks pretty damn good!
Stacks of FW on this blog. Sigur and TeN regularly post FW models. I've posted all the big FW tyranids and a thunder hawk. Even Stahly is painting FW models now with his recent Eldar Hornet.
Maybe we need a Forgeworld Tag?
Quite brilliant! Any chance of a stage by stage tutorial for the fists?