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Hey all, today for a change I thought I’d show something that my wife painted. A Astra Militarum Hydra.
You may remember her from the videos from a while ago doing tutorials. Sadly she had to put the videos on hold due to work commitments, but I know she is planning to return to them at some point.
The model in the photos was the third model she has ever painted herself. I did give some guiding, but pretty much what you see was from using the Forge World painting book Imperial Armour volume one. I’m quite impressed as this is a lot better than anything I ever did when I first started painting.
Anyway what do you think? Are you getting excited for the new 40K rules release? From what I have seen it looks like something quite special!!
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
What colors did your wife use for that paint scheme?
Honestly, looks better than your last few works if not considering time/effect comparison 😉 Awesome paintjob and great talent 🙂
This is quite amazing watching someone new to painting. The model is fantastic. Well done. On a different note, what happened to the other Tale of painters contributors? Did they get lazy?
I was pretty impressed.
That's awesome for a third attempt, bravo!
That's awesome for a third attempt, bravo!
Mrs TEN, that's amazing, especially for a 3rd miniature…
I remember the video. It was the inspiration for the same model I painted with my 8yr old, though it was a cleaner and less battle worn project.