A wip shot today of my Chaos Space Marine Rhino. Four more high resolution pictures after the jump.
I still need to weather the tank, add blood to the spiked ram and paint the gunner, but I wanted to share the tank so far.
I’ve painted any vision slits or holes with a glowing fiery colour. This is to mimic my Daemon Engines and help tie the tank in with the rest of the army. I also painted the face plates the same colour as the Daemon skin in my army. It really helps reinforce the feel that this tank is possessed by a machine spirit.
The Rhino really needs metal trim to make it look like a Chaos Space Marine vehicle. I’ve added daemonic faceplates, spiked racks, gargoyle heads to the exhausts and painted large eye catching iconography in an attempt to chaosify the tracked transport. On it’s own, it looks like a Black Legion vehicle but when I stand it next to the Heldrake, Helbrute and Forgefiend it stands out quite a lot and looks different.
Good news for fans of Dark Vengeance. This Saturday I’m posting a tutorial for painting Cultists. Just in time to see Dark Vengeance return to store shelves.
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2 things stand out to me Garfy that I love. The look of the deamonic possession and how it makes it look as though its alive and breathing. The Ultramarines omnibus describes a vehicle Omphalos Daemonium and your paint depicts the nasty goings on of chaos inside. A+ Sir. The second thing is the realistic skin and overall gore of the human head on the spikes. Amazing!
Side note I have enjoyed your new Facebook group Paint Your Games (PYGS) it has helped me get my cultists in gear and keep moving through the box set. Check it out folks if you haven't seen it.
Ill wait for the final version 🙂 As you said its not finished yet, its far to clean to be 10,000 years old in the Warp. So look forward to the after effects of the factory showroom version for sure! Very glowy 😀
Don't expect a lot of weathering. I didn't weather my Daemon Engines and no one seemed to mind. This tank will get blood added to the ram and a healthy covering of sand weathering powder. No paint chips or scratches though. It's fresh out the dark mechanicus' paint factory.
that looks awesome how did you paint the flame effects?
Looks hot in there, lol
Can't wait for your cultist tutorials!
Too crisp and clean for chaos! Wonderful painting mate! keep it up as usual! Cant wait to see it completed 🙂