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Hey all, a real quick post today. A couple of old Orc models. Both models are part of a commission for a Orc Blood Bowl Team.
This is something I have been working on and off for about 4 weeks now. Pretty much most of the work has been done by brush rather than airbrush and that is the reason why it has dragged on so long. But I should finish everything by tomorrow and will post up the end results with better photos. Both these models are lead rather than plastic and I must say I really like them. I still need to finish the bases on the whole team and do quite a fair bit of washes. What do you think so far?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Nice paint, i really like the mouth with the blood effect, which colors did you use for the skin? I want to see the rest of the WIP with the bases 🙂
Shame GW scrapped most of the old unique models like the raider with pig, added an extra depth to the hobby!
I love these old models and the paint job is really cool.