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Hey all, today I thought I’d show some Chaos Marauder Horsemen that I painted up about a year ago for a friends Chaos army.
I went for a very dark tone for the horses and a lighter tone for the riders. Looking at some of the new amazing looking Chaos releases for the Age of Sigmar I think the Horsemen are beginning to look a little dated. I still like them though, but maybe one day a updated version of the models will appear. Talking about Age of Sigmar I am very tempted to start up a small Chaos army, but still not decided on what theme or god to go with. What Chaos army would you go with?
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Chaos Undivided….
Or as I like to call them Chaos Undecided.
I don't think the Marauder Horsemen look dated at all, They came out with the last Warriors of Chaos Army Book so aren't that old at all, Even the Marauder's on foot can look fantastic with a few head swap's from the Horsemen sprue (The bare heads look awesome) and a little green stuff.
Hey cheers guys for the cool feedback.
Looking great (as ever!) Go with Tzeentch, we need more recruits!
That dark, brooding style makes for a terrific paint scheme, it really unifies the whole group.
But what I really love is they remind me of the bad guys from original Conan film, which seem such a good fit for a Chaos Undivided army. Awesome work!
These guys look great! The horsemen definitely hold up better than the marauder infantry.
Paint job and theme makes these guys look perfect as henchmen for Archaon. If you keep the core of your warband "undivided" then you can add your favorite units from all the other gods and still keep the theme intact.
Though a bit dated, this is still my favorite set from the chaos range. Horsies!
Nice paint job, I really like the contrast you've achieved here.
also…this give me an idea. Why not cut the new chaos reavers at the waist and mount them on horsemen legs? Would look awesome I bet.
I really love this false black and white!
For now, my Chaos theme is dirty and gory, soon l'll show something!
Yes, models can be a bit outdated, but I still don't think they would make a bad impression along Sigmar's other models. Though, as long as you paint them that good, you won't notice 🙂