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Hi, there ToP readers, Rich back again. In my last post (if you can remember that far back!) I promised more gold shiny miniatures, this time from Forge World, without any further ado here is my take on Rogal Dorn.

This was a really fun mini to paint, he has loads of detail, it was the first time I painted a head of the miniature, I found this helped me hugely, I’ll certainly be doing that again.

I chose to paint Dorn looking slightly younger than the Forge World painters did, giving him light brown hair with a fade as well as a less weathered face.

If it wasn’t for the scenic base that Dorn sits in I would have mounted him on a larger 50mm base. Overall I’m pleased with how he came out, I think its a really lovely miniature and the designers have done a great job with his heroic pose, what do you think?

 Drop a comment below, bye for now – Rich.