Hey all, today I bring something special, well special to me as these are my very own Daemon Princes of Nurgle. I very rarely get to paint anything for myself as I’m normally busy painting other peoples models. I painted the two Daemon Princes over the duration of the summer along with a couple of Rhinos, a Landraider, 2 Vindicators and a bunch of half painted Plague marines.
The first Daemon Prince I shamefully stole the idea how he looks from another gamer who posted his Prince up on internet. I really liked what he did with modelling so I had to take the idea for my own one. The second Daemon Prince is the Forge World one. I have painted this particular model about ten plus times now for other people. So eventually having my own is quite nice, even though I think painting wise I spent more on other peoples than my own one. What do you think. Do any of you have a job etc that steals so much of your time that you cant find time to paint your own models? I’d be interested to know.
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Hi, these are beautiful models – which part did you use to make the first one if I may ask?
Amazing. What colours did you use for the skin?
Hey Laurence, the colours used for the skin are Vallejo Olive Drab, then Vallejo Game colour Plague Brown airbrushed at a downwards angle and then Vallejo Game Dead Flesh airbrushed down from the top.
In awe of your skill…
Amazing. What colours did you use for the skin?
They are amazing!
All I can say is wow!
Hey Thanks John 🙂 Cool name by the way 🙂