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Conquest work continues with the completion of Issue 3. My first time painting Reivers and I really enjoyed it. More pics after the jump. 

The sculpts of these ‘easy to assemble’ models are actually really dynamic. I think the sculptors have done a great job with the Reivers. I can’t wait to get more. 

All the icons on the shoulder pads are freehand. 

Initially I wasn’t sure about the boot look for the Reivers but it really grew on me. It helps change the silhouette of the model enough that they can be easily distinguished from their Intercessor brothers. The skull helms are hands down the best part of the model. They just look bad ass. 

A little sneak peek of Lieutenant Calsius in the background. Garfy’s Get a Grips available to order with same day dispatch here or here for non UK buyers.   

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay