Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion’s very own law upholder has a fascinating back story. Grand Justice Gormayne wasn’t always a superb orator whose upholding words can will loyal subjects to enact justice against transgressors of the court. No, he was something much worse…

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Grand Justice Gormayne was once a criminal himself, a Nobleman accused of murdering his sire and going on the run after escaping. He was recaptured and brought before Ushoran himself who wanted to know how he managed to escape his cell. Gormayne explains he simply read scrawlings on the wall that detailed secret tunnels. Most Abhorrants couldn’t read and saw human text as gibberish. Ushoran saw the value in Gormayne’s ability to read and promoted him Grand Justice as a form of penance. His role was to uncover and enforce ancient laws in the Kingdom, yet his madness has perverted this job and he finds all who are alive guilty and punishable by death.

Grand Justice Gormayne’s ability to understand ‘elder tongues’ is a quirk with his curse. Unlike other Abhorrants who suffer with delusion constantly, Gormayne has moments of sanity and understanding. Imagine that, for a moment the visage slips and you discover you’re a monster wearing someone’s entrails on your head. To deal with this Gormayne throws himself into his madness.

Painting Grand Justice Gormayne was a pain. His sculpt is made up of serval layers that hard to reach if the model is glued to his base. I made sure I pinned him to a cork so I could paint in all the hard to reach areas as you can see in the above WIP shot I shared on X (twitter).

The colour scheme for Grand Justice Gormayne utilises the recipe card above for the main part. I did paint over the intestines on his head with thinned Fleshtearers red and then painted over that with ‘Ard Coat Gloss Varnish so it looked more gross and fresh. His robes aren’t on the recipe card either here’s how I painted them:

Black Robes recipe

One more thing I wanted to mention that I noticed reading Flesh-eater Courts Army Tome is apart from Ushoran and Nagash, Grand Justice Gormayne is the only named, unique character in the book. I’d like to see more named characters for the Flesh-eaters. They have the most interesting back story in Age of Sigmar in my humble opinion.

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