I’m continuing my month long quest to paint a Vigilant Brotherhood Spearhead and for this week I’m painting a unit of Prosecutors. Armed with a Stormcall Javelin these warriors leap into action on wings of flame.

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Models were kindly sent to me by Games Workshop. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you’re following along, you would have seen my Liberators last week. This week, I decided to work on the Prosecutors. It’s only 3 models, but they’re pretty big and their wings are massive and complicated. So I kinda want to get them done and finished so I can relax and enjoy painting the characters in weeks 3 and 4 of this project.

This is my take on the Hallowed Knights Stormhost.

When it came to assembling the Prosecutors, I found it was possible to glue the wings together but not glue them to the bodies. This made painting a little easier as I could undercoat the bodies black and airbrush on a base coat of Grey Knights Steel and undercoat the wings with a White Scar spray. I also choose to not glue the shields on, this mean’t I could use the airbrush again to get a coat of Retributor Gold on. If you don’t have an Airbrush you can get Retributor Gold and White Scar in a rattle can. Shame they don’t do Grey Knights Steel in aerosol form.

With my test model and first unit of Liberators already done, I knew how I was going to paint most of this model. There was one thing that was different though, the wings. I knew I wanted white feathers, I just wasn’t sure about the flames. I narrowed my choice down to either magical blue, or realistic fire. In the end I settled with fire. I’m trying something a bit different with this Stormhost. I want to ground it in reality as much as possible. Things like the armour and blades being real metals, the belts and straps being a black leather and any flames being actual fire instead of magical effects. This self-imposed design ethos even carries over onto the Gryph Hounds.

My Gryph Hound test model based on an American Bald Eagle.

In next week’s post I’ll be painting my first character for the Spearhead and sharing more paint recipes and cool photography.

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